"We should consider every dat lost on which we have not danced at least once."
- Friedrich Nietzsch
When I get stressed out with work or just life in general I put in my headphones, crank up my music, let lose and dance away.
The music takes over and my body moves to the beat any way it wants too.
Life can be stressful, it can get you down, but jumping around to a great song can make you feel like a new person. Emotions get stirred, your adrenaline gets pumping and life doesn't seem all that bad.
For any Grey's Anatomy fans out there Meredith and Cristina's "dance it out" moments are really the epitome of dancing and letting go. In fact, my roommate Rachel and I have had our own little dance parities several times when we just need to blow off steam and it works like a charm.
For me dancing is an integral part of life; do it every day.
Whether it be at a concert, at a club or in my pajamas at home.
Via Instagram
So next time you get overwhelmed, just put on your favorite song and dance away